Abd ar-Rahman as-Sufi

Liber locis stellarum fixarum, 964


Pergamenthandschrift M II 141




Star Catalogue of Ptolemy

An asterisk (*) is appended to those longitudes and latitudes which differ from Baily. (Adapted without permission--but with no intention of profit therefrom--from the Almagest catalogue listing previously at http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/lat/Zakh/alm-cat/catal.html. Apparently, this page is no longer extant.)

Baily|                       Ptolemy                            |  BS                           |  Name      |
 No  |No  Description                   Long  Lat   m | V   R.A. 1900.0 Dec.PMRA PMDec   No    |                   

 991  1. Borealior de duabus quae sunt in basi.. 237 40  -22 40   5  4.59 17 28 12.8 -46 26 12 -0.028 -0.034  6537         sigma     Ara
 992  2. Australior ipsarum.....................*243 00  -25 45   4  3.66 17 58 50.7 -50 05 52 -0.011 -0.017  6743         theta     Ara
 993  3. Quae est in media arae.................*236 10  -26 30  4-3 2.95 17 24 06.6 -49 47 48 -0.024 -0.071  6510         alpha     Ara
 994  4. Borealis de tribus quae sunt in foco... 230 40  -30 20   5  4.06 16 51 36.7 -53 00 23 +0.007 +0.015  6295         epsilon 1 Ara
 995  5. Australior reliquarium et contiguarum
         duarum................................. 235 10  -34 10  4-3 3.34 17 16 58.5 -56 17 00 +0.002 -0.011  6462         gamma     Ara
 996  6. Borealior ipsarum...................... 235 00  -33 20   4  2.85 17 16 59.1 -55 26 07 -0.001 -0.024  6461         beta      Ara
 997  7. Quae est in extremitate................ 230 50 *-34 00   4  3.13 16 50 20.5 -55 49 55 -0.013 -0.035  6285         zeta      Ara



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